Results for 'Charif Dandachli Zohbi'

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    «Sobre la forma primera y la materia primera» de Avempace.Charif Dandachli Zohbi & Pilar Zaldivar Bouthelier - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:107.
    The aim of this essay is to offer the Spanish translation of the "Treatise on Primary Form and Primary Matter" written by the philosopher Avempace, from Saragossa. The preceding introduction is an attempt to show the ways through which this work has reached us and the difficulties it presents for its translation.
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  2. Sobre la forma primera y la materia primera de Avempace.Pilar Zaldívar Bouthelier & Charif Dandachli Zohbi - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:107-110.
    En este trabajo presentamos la traducción al castellano del tratado «Sobre la forma primera y la materia primera» del filósofo zaragozano Avempace, precedida por una introducción que trata de mostrar los cauces por los que ha llegado hasta nosotros esta obra y los problemas que presenta para la traducción.The aim of this essay is to offer the Spanish translation of the "Treatise on Primary Form and Primary Matter" written by the philosopher Avempace, from Saragossa. The preceding introduction is an attempt (...)
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    Lutter au quotidien.Charif Elalaoui - 2022 - Temporalités 36.
    Pour saisir les enjeux de la lutte au quotidien des Gilets jaunes et la transformation des identifications qu’elle opère, nous proposons d’analyser la manière dont les temporalités de l’événement en jaune structurent la vie quotidienne des protagonistes et scandent les temporalités familiales comme celles liées au travail et au loisir. Nous suivrons les mutations profondes de leurs formes d’engagement, l’appropriation des pratiques militantes au fil des semaines de cette séquence de protestation, ainsi que les processus de désagrégation longs du mouvement (...)
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    مفهوم الحرية عند الوجوديين ونقد الشيخ محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي لهم.Charif Murad - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):1-34.
    İnsan hürriyyeti mefhumunun asırdan asıra değişen bir manası vardır. Bu mesele,selef ulemanın yanında cebir ve ihtiyar konusu olarak biliniyordu. Daha sonraları bu mesele genişleyerek tesyîrve tahyîr meselesi olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Modern çağda ise âlimler bu konuyu insan hürriyeti ismi altında ele almışlardır. Her fırkanın kendine has bir görüşü vardır. Varoluşçuluk felsefecileri de hürriyet hakkında konuşmuşlardır ve hatta şunu da söylemişlerdir: “Hürriyet, insanın maddi vücudiyetinin cevheridir.” Bu araştırmada bizzat bu düşünce münakaşa edilecektir. Bunu münakaşa etmeden önce de varoluşçuluk ve varoluşçuların ne olduğunu, (...)
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  5.  15
    Conversation avec Daniel-Henri Pageaux.Charif Majdalani - 2014 - Diogène 246-247 (2):17.
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    Post-Exoticism, or Internal Literatures.Charif Majdalani & Roxanne Lapidus - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):64-66.
  7.  33
    Social identity salience shapes group-based emotions through group-based appraisals.Toon Kuppens, Vincent Y. Yzerbyt, Sophie Dandache, Agneta H. Fischer & Job van der Schalk - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1359-1377.
    Group-based emotions have been conceptualised as being rooted in perceivers' social identity. Consistent with this idea, previous research has shown that social identity salience affects group-based emotions, but no research to date has directly examined the role of group-based appraisals in comparison with individual appraisals. In the present studies, we measured group-based appraisals through a thought-listing procedure. In Experiment 1, we explicitly reminded people of their group identity, which led to the predicted change in group-based anger. This effect was mediated (...)
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    Conversation with Daniel-Henri Pageaux: Charif Majdalani.Daniel-Henri Pageaux - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (1-2):143-146.
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    Bribery in international markets: Diagnosis, clarification and remedy. [REVIEW]Harold L. Johnson - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (6):447 - 455.
    This essay ranges widely, using selected ideas from microeconomics, ethics, and elementary game theory in an effort to gain some understanding of the controversial issue of bribery in international markets. Its goal is partial charification of the issue and increased awareness of alternative remedy strategies.
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